Response codes
J.P. Morgan follows standard HTTP conventions to indicate the success or failure of an API request. You should refer to the API reference documentation for an exhaustive list of error codes for each API.
In general:
- Codes in the 2xx range indicate success.
- Codes in the 4xx range indicate a failure to execute the request with the information provided. This might represent a mal-formed request or a synchronous action that fails for business reasons (e.g. insufficient funds, invalid account, etc.).
- Codes in the 5xx range represent interruptions in service.
The following is a non-exhaustive list of statuses you might receive:
- 200OK. Everything worked as expected.
- 202OK. Request accepted. This is an asynchronous request. Obtain the status of the request via a callback or status inquiry.
- 400Bad request - The request was malformed in some way.
- 401Unauthorized - The system wasn't able to authenticate you (missing or incorrect Authorization header, expired token, etc.).
- 403Forbidden - The system authenticated you, but you don’t have permissions to complete the requested action.
- 404 Not Found - The requested resource does not exist.
- 409Conflict - The resource you are attempting to create already exists, and a concurrent request was detected during Idempotent processing
- 422Unprocessable - The request was syntactically well-formed, but semantically invalid.
- 429Too Many Requests - The request rate had exceeded the agreed limit.
- 5xxServer Error - Something went wrong; generally such requests can be re-tried.
The majority of error responses contain additional information to aid in problem diagnosis. Review the associated API documentation for use-case specific guidance.