Optimization & Protection
The Optimization & Protection APIs allows you to enhance your payments experience in a standalone manner or as an integration to our Online Payments APIs. For additional information, refer to the Optimization & Protection documentation.
Encryption and security
OAuth2.0 is used for authentication and bearer tokens are used for authorizations with the Optimization & Protection APIs.
HTTP response codes
The Optimization & Protection APIs use standard HTTP response codes.
Instant response
The Optimization & Protection APIs sends acknowledgements instantly via synchronous response. If you have enabled notifications, the final status is sent via a webhook/asynchronous notification.
Production environments
Our client testing and production environments are available 24/7 with 99.99%+ uptime. The Optimization & Protection APIs have the following environments:
API Name | Production environment |
3-D Secure (3DS) API |
https://api-ms.payments.jpmorgan.com/api/v2 |
Account Updater API | https://api.merchant.jpmorgan.com/api/v1 |
Consumer Profile Management API | https://profiles-api.merchant.jpmorgan.com/api/v2/mmp |
Notifications API | https://mns-aws.jpmchase.com/v1/ |
Digital Onboarding API | https://onboarding.payments.jpmchase.com/commerce/v1 |
Managed Recurring Payments API | https://api-ms1.payments.jpmorgan.com/managedrecurringpayments/v2 |
Reporting API | https://api.reports.jpmorgan.com/api/v1/ |
Tokenization API | https://api.merchant.jpmorgan.com/payments/v1/ |
Wallet Decryption API |
https://api-ms.payments.jpmorgan.com/api/v2 |
Throttling and TPS limits
The J.P. Morgan Payments Platform is specifically built to scale with client requirements. It runs on a cloud infrastructure and horizontally scales to support higher processing and bursts of traffic.
J.P. Morgan does not currently prescribe any Transaction Per Second (TPS) limits or throttling. Some clearing systems may prescribe specific TPS limits that the bank must adhere to depending on the market.
To help you mitigate any issues arising from this, we run a dynamic throttling solution that sends payments to beneficiary banks at a more manageable volume, which results in higher success rates. We are highly experienced in working with high TPS clients in several markets and can enable you to handle bursts and high-volume peaks.
Contact us if you have queries on TPS limit management.
The Optimization & Protection APIs support versioning using a prefix in the endpoint URL. This prefix has the following format: vXX, where XX is the version number.
For example: