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Notification types

Notifications are generated when a transaction event occurs. You can subscribe to these transaction events by transaction type and subtype. 

Notification categories

The Notifications API supports notifications for the following transaction type events:  

  • Payment transaction events   
  • Order events 
  • Recurring payments events
  • Token events
  • Pay by Bank events
  • Consumer profile events

You can also subscribe to subcategories for the transaction events listed above.  

Payment transaction events

Payment transaction events notify you of the status of asynchronous transaction statuses in the Online Payments API.   

These events are enabled during the onboarding process for Online Payments local payment method transactions. They are sent to the callback URL provided during the onboarding process.   

When subscribing to payment transaction events, you can choose one, some, or all of the following subtype notifications:  

  • all — This notifies you of all transactions regardless of status.
  • paymentApproved — This notifies you when a transaction is successfully approved.
  • paymentDeclined — This notifies you when a transaction is declined.
  • paymentErrored — This notifies you when a transaction fails with an error code.

Learn more about subscribing to notifications.  

Order events

Order events notify you of the status of an order relating to a payment.   

When subscribing to order events, you can choose all, some, or one of the following subtype notifications:

  • all — This notifies you of all notifications about an order related to a payment.
  • orderApproved — This notifies you when an order is approved. 
  • orderDeclined — This notifies you when an order is declined.
  • orderErrored — This notifies you when an order fails with an error code.

Recurring payments events

Recurring payments events notify you of updates to the Managed Recurring Payments Service (MRPS), which is offered by J.P. Morgan. Recurring payments events notify you of activities such as plan or program updates, payment dispositions and consumer communications. 

When subscribing to recurring payments events, you can choose all, some, or one of the following subtype notifications:  

  • all — This notifies you of all transactions related to a recurring payment.
  • planUpdated — This notifies you when a recurring payment plan is created or updated.
  • programUpdated — This notifies you when a recurring payment program is created or updated.
  • paymentApplied — This notifies you when a recurring payment amount is collected successfully during the billing period.
  • paymentNotApplied — This notifies you when a recurring payment amount was collected unsuccessfully during the billing period.
  • consumerCommunicationUpdated — This notifies you when an email is sent to the consumer from the MRPS.

For additional information regarding the MRPS, reach out to your relationship manager.  

Token events

Token events notify you when a token or tokenized data event occurs. The information related to the token is sent by the token service provider.   

When subscribing to recurring payments events, you can choose all, some, or one of the following subtype notifications:  

  • all — This notifies you of all token-related events.
  • cardDetailsUpdate — This notifies you of any metadata changes that occurred for the tokenized card product.
  • tokenStateChange — This notifies you about potential changes in the token and its state.
  • tokenProvisionUpdate — This notifies you about the asynchronously provisioned token information for future processing.
  • bulkTokenUpdate — This notifies you about the status information of bulk tokenization files.

For additional information regarding tokenization and token lifecycle management, see the Tokenization API.  

Pay by Bank events

Pay by Bank events notify you when linking a Pay by Bank account succeeds or fails.   

These events are enabled during the onboarding process for Pay by Bank. They are sent to the callback URL provided during the onboarding process.   

The following are subtype notifications for Pay by Bank events:  

  • all — This notifies you of all events related to linking accounts.
  • accountLinkSuccess — This notifies you when an account link is successful.
  • accountLinkException — This notifies you when an account link fails.

In the initial callback notification for account link success, the account holder’s Personal Identifiable Information (PII) details like firstName, middleName, lastName, and address details are masked.
To unmask an account holder’s PII, you must send a GET request to the /notifications endpoint using the notificationId provided in the initial notification to retrieve the complete PII details. 

For additional information regarding Pay by Bank, reach out to your relationship manager. 

Consumer profile events

Consumer profile events notify you when a consumer profile is created.

  • all — This notifies you of all events related to a consumer profile.
  • created — This notifies you when a consumer profile is created.

Subscribe to notifications
Online Payments API
Tokenization API