Request a 3-D Secure (3DS) authentication
A 3DS authentication consists of the following steps:
- Send a POST call to the /authentications endpoint.
- Call the 3DS Method to collect data from the cardholder's browser.
- Send a POST call to the /authentications/{authentication-id} endpoint.
- Launch the issuer challenge screen (in instances when the issuer requires a challenge flow).
- Listen for authentication results.
- GET additional authentication details.
- Process the payment (optional).
POST to /authentications endpoint
A 3DS authentication begins with a POST call to the /authentications endpoint. This request does the following:
- Verifies whether the card issuer supports3DS for the card. If so, the responseCode field will be set to CREATED.
- Finds the common 3DS version supported by the 3DS server, card brand network directory server, and issuer access control server (ACS).
- Retrieves the correct issuer URL needed to facilitate the issuer's cardholder browser data collection process.
HTTP method: POST
Endpoint: /authentications
"amount": 123,
"currency": "USD",
"authenticationPaymentMethodType": {
"accountNumber": "4112344112344113"
"threeDSMethodMerchantNotificationUrl": ""
Call the 3DS Method to collect data from the cardholder's browser
The response to your /authentications request will contain the following fields:
- authenticationResult.threeDomainSecureCreation.threeDSMethodDataForm
- authenticationResult.threeDSServerTransactionId
- authenticationResult.threeDomainSecureCreation.threeDSMethodUrl
The 3DS Method is completed by rendering a hidden HTML iframe in the cardholder’s browser to post a form with data from the aforementioned fields.
<form name="frm" method="POST" action="{threeDSMethodUrl">
<input type="hidden" name="{threeDSMethodData}" value=”{threeDSMethodDataForm}">
The 3DS Method will take up to 10 seconds to complete the issuer's collection of cardholder browser data.
Concurrently, you should collect the card holder’s browser data on your own to be used in the next step. The card issuer will compare the browser data collected by the 3DS Method against the browser data you collect as part of the authentication decision.
POST to /authentications/{authentication-Id} endpoint
After the 3DS Method is complete, the browser will post to the threeDSMethodMerchantNotificationUrl (provided in your the /authentications request) with the 3DS Method result. The post will include responseStatus (SUCCESS or DENIED) and the authenticationId value.
If this status is not received after 10 seconds, you can make a POST request to the /authentications/{authentication-id} endpoint. If the status has not been received and your attempt to call the /authentications/{authentication-id} endpoint is made before 10 seconds has elapsed, the API will return the following error: httpStatus:400 responseStatus:ERROR responseCode:DATA_COLLECTION_IN_PROGRESS. If this error is received, wait the remainder of the 10 seconds before posting again.
The request to the /authentications/{authentication-id} endpoint allows you to provide the remaining required data for the 3DS process. Here is a request with minimum required fields:
HTTP method: POST
Endpoint: /authentications/{authentication-id}
"channelType": "BROWSER",
"threeDSRequestorAuthenticationInfo": {
"authenticationPurpose": "MAINTAIN_CARD"
"threeDSPurchaseInfo": {
"purchaseDate": "2023-08-21T15:12:12Z",
"threeDomainSecureTransactionType": "GOODS_SERVICES"
"threeDSChallengeMerchantNotificationUrl": "",
"browserInfo": {
"browserAcceptHeader": "application/json",
"deviceIPAddress": "123.456.7.89",
"browserLanguage": "en",
"browserColorDepth": "8",
"browserScreenHeight": "1",
"browserScreenWidth": "1",
"deviceLocalTimeZone": 1,
"browserUserAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:47.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/47.0",
"challengeWindowSize": "FULL_SCREEN",
"javaEnabled": true,
"javaScriptEnabled": true
Frictionless authentication results
If the issuer has performed a frictionless authentication, the API response will contain the full authentication results, including the electronic commerce indicator (ECI) in the threeDomainSecureCompletion.electronicCommerceIndicator value, and the authentication cryptogram in the threeDomainSecureCompletion.threeDSAuthenticationValue value. For additional information on using the authenticationId to simplify the completion of a payment, refer to the Process the Payment section below.
Launch the issuer challenge screen
If the issuer is requiring a cardholder challenge, the authenticationResults.threeDomainSecureChallenge.threeDSTransactionStatus will contain a "C" value. The challenge is completed by rendering a hidden HTML iframe in the cardholder’s browser to post a form with the value of the following fields from the response to your /authentications/{authentication-id} request:
- authenticationResult.threeDomainSecureChallenge.threeDSChallengeRequest
- authenticationResult.threeDomainSecureChallenge.threeDSAcsUrl
<form name="frm" method="POST" action="{threeDSAcsUrl">
<input type="hidden" name="{threeDSChallengeData}" value=”{threeDSChallengeRequest}">
This will launch the challenge window provided by the cardholder’s issuer. The cardholder completes the challenge based on the issuing bank’s criteria. If the cardholder does not complete the challenge within ten minutes, the transaction will be considered abandoned and the status will be set to ERROR. If the cardholder completes the challenge, the authentication results will be provided.
Listen for the "post back" after the authentication is complete
After the authentication process is complete, the Online Payments API will “post back” to the threeDSChallengeMerchantNotificationUrl attribute provided in the /authentications/{authentication-id} request. The “post back” will include the authenticationId and responseStatus (SUCCESS, ERROR, or DENIED) to identify status of the authentication.
Get the authentication results
To get the details associated with the authentication, perform a GET call to the /authentications endpoint using the authenticationId of the authentication.
Process the payment (coming soon)
The authenticationId can be used to simplify including authentication results in a subsequent payment or verification via the Online Payments API on the Commerce platform.
3DS API error codes
3DS API specification
Online Payments API
Online Payments API error codes
Online Payments API specification