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Create a product

Before you create a payment link using Pay by Link, you must first create a product by performing a POST call to the /catalog/products endpoint.


You can use the same product to create multiple payment links.

Required information

Before you proceed with creating a product, ensure the following required fields are present in your request body.

Required and conditional fields for creating a product
Field Data Type Description Required (R) or Optional (O)
name string Name of the product. R
sku string Merchant identifier (Stock Keeping Unit). O
description string Description of the product. O

The following is a sample request to create a new product.

HTTP method: POST
Endpoint: /catalog/products

    "name": "Casio watch",
    "sku": "ABC123DEF",
    "description": "This is a 1989 model Casio watch"


    "productId": "GHIJ1234KLMN",
    "name": " Casio watch",
    "sku": "ABC123DEF",
    "description": " This is a 1989 model Casio watch"

Now you have the product ID for which you can create a payment link.

Pay by Link
Manage payment links