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Get the details of an ACH payment request

In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the Global Payments API to retrieve the payment details of an ACH payment request. By the end of this tutorial, you will know how to:

Use the endToEndId to retrieve the transaction details of your payment request.

Before you begin

To retrieve the details of an ACH payment request, you will need the following:

An endToEndId value for your payment request, which is provided in a successful payment response

Create and send a payment details request

A successful response contains an endToEndId value that can be used to retrieve the details of the payment request.

Example request using endToEndId
curl --location ''

A successful response contains the transaction details for your payment request:

Example response using endToEndId
    "paymentStatus": {
        "createDateTime": "2022-12-01T00:00:12.145",
        "status": "COMPLETED"
    "payments": {
        "paymentIdentifiers": {
            "endToEndId": "XR20210920CS1131416"
        "requestedExecutionDate": "2022-12-01",
        "transferType": "CREDIT",
        "paymentCurrency": "CLP",
        "paymentAmount": 300,
        "debtor": {
            "debtorAccount": {
                "accountId": "2600023565",
                "accountCurrency": "CLP"
            "debtorName": "Lucha Gonzalez"
        "debtorAgent": {
            "financialInstitutionId": {
                "bic": "CHASCLRM"
        "creditorAgent": {
            "financialInstitutionId": {
                "bic": "BCHICLRM",
                "clearingSystemId": {
                    "id": "114740179",
                    "branchNumber": "0001"
        "creditor": {
            "creditorName": "Marina Simeone",
            "creditorAccount": {
                "accountId": "101000974",
                "accountType": "SVGS"
            "postalAddress": {
                "country": "CL"
        "paymentType": "ACH.TRF",
        "purpose": {
            "code": "0010130000",
            "type": "PROPRIETARY"
        "taxInformation": {
            "creditorTaxInformation": {
                "taxId": "06703922-K",
                "taxpayerCategory": "INDIVIDUAL"
    "firmRootId": "xatv-12522a-cqvf-225"

Next steps

Review the payment parameters for Chile-specific implementation.