Reporting groups
Reporting groups enables you to group entities together, allowing them to generate reports based on a group ID instead of individual entities. This feature is useful for creating standard, custom, and popular reports on a group of entities tailored to your business needs.
Before you begin
Familiarize yourself with report configurations and how to manage report configurations.
How it works
The following are the different stages in the process flow involving reporting groups:
- Create a reporting group after you identify the entities of the same type you want to group together.
- Group together multiple reporting groups of the same type as a multi-level reporting group.
- Group together multiple entities and reporting groups of the same type as a multi-level reporting group.
- Modify details of a reporting group to ensure it has the correct information.
- Create a reporting config using reporting group to generate a single report for all the entities under the reporting group.
Create a reporting group
You can create a reporting group by combining entities of the same type.
The following are the different types of entities:
Entity type | Description |
PE | Processing Entity |
TD | Transaction Division |
FTI | Fund Transfer Instruction |
BU | Business Unit |
CO | Company |
RGPE | Reporting group for Processing Entity |
RGTD | Reporting group for Transaction Division |
RGFTI | Reporting group for Fund Transfer Instruction |
RGBU | Reporting group for Business Unit |
RGCO | Reporting group for Company |
A few things to keep in mind when you are creating reporting groups:
- Reporting groups can include entities of any type, but all entities within a single group must be of the same entity type.
- Reporting groups containing PEs as their base entities are identified as RGPE, TDs as their base entities are identified as RGTD, and so on.
- The default status of a newly created reporting group is automatically set to Active.
- Reporting group must contain entities with the same merchant end of the day (MEOD) to avoid reporting reconciliation issues.
- If you are a legacy reporting client, your existing reporting groups will seamlessly transition to modern reporting and can be accessed through the Reporting API or Digital Reporting on Commerce Center.
- Any modifications made to these reporting groups in the modern reporting system will only affect modern reports configured with those groups, without impacting your legacy reports.
- After modifications are made to these reporting groups, any further changes to the legacy reporting groups will not be synchronized with the modern reporting groups.
Multi-level grouping
You can also create multi-level reporting groups, where one reporting group can include other reporting groups and entities as its members, allowing for hierarchical reporting structures.
However, the rule of all entities withing a single group having to be of the same entity type still applies. For example, a RGTD can have other RGTDs as its members, but it cannot have a reporting group of another entity type as its member.
The following is an example of creating a multi-level reporting group having only reporting groups as its members.
Endpoint: /reporting-groups
Scenario: Creating a multi-level reporting group for RGTDs
"reportingGroupName": "Example RG 2",
"reportingGroupDescription": "Description for Example RG 2",
"childEntityInfo": [
"entityType": "RGTD",
"entityIds": [
"next": null,
"reportingGroupList": [
"reportingGroupId": 2407101611283768,
"reportingGroupName": "Example RG 2",
"reportingGroupType": "RGTD",
"reportingGroupDescription": "Description for Example RG 2",
"reportingGroupStatus": "active",
"childEntityInfo": [
"entityType": "RGTD",
"entityIds": [
"lastPage": true
The following is an example of creating a multi-level reporting group having reporting groups and entities as it members.
Endpoint: /reporting-groups
Scenario: Creating a multi-level reporting group for RGTDs and TDs.
"reportingGroupName": "Example RG 3",
"reportingGroupDescription": "Description for Example RG 3",
"childEntityInfo": [
"entityType": "RGTD",
"entityIds": [
"entityType": "TD",
"entityIds": [
"next": null,
"reportingGroupList": [
"reportingGroupId": 2407101611283766,
"reportingGroupName": "Example RG 3",
"reportingGroupType": "RGTD",
"reportingGroupDescription": "Description of Example RG 3",
"reportingGroupStatus": "active",
"childEntityInfo": [
"entityType": "RGTD",
"entityIds": [
"entityType": "TD",
"entityIds": [
"lastPage": true
Manage reporting groups
Reporting API provides you the following features to help you manage your reporting groups:
- Create single or multi-level reporting groups
- Retrieve an individual reporting group
- Retrieve all reporting groups or only groups based on the reporting group type
- Update a reporting group
- Deactivate and reactivate a reporting group
For more information on these features, refer to how to manage reporting groups.