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Get notified when a report completes or errors by subscribing to the Report status notifications event (reportStatusNotification).

Before you begin

You must onboard the Notifications API to use this feature.

Report status notification

Notifications are generated as webhooks and sent to you when the status of a report changes.

  • You can subscribe to this notification by performing a POST /subscriptions call to the Notifications API and providing the event type, subtype, callbackURL, and subscription channel (webhook) 
  • Webhooks are sent to the callbackURL you provide.
  • You can also choose to enable this event during the onboarding process.

Supported subscription channel: Webhook

When subscribing to the event, you can choose all, some, or one of the following notification subtypes:

Reporting notification event subtypes
Subtype Description
all Notifies you of all events related to reporting.
dailyCompleted Notifies you when a daily report generation process completes successfully.
weeklyCompleted Notifies you when a weekly report generation process completes successfully.
monthlyCompleted Notifies you when a monthly report generation process completes successfully
adhocRunCompleted Notifies you when an adhoc report generation process completes successfully.
dailyErrored Notifies you when a daily report generation process fails due to an error.
weeklyErrored Notifies you when a weekly report generation process fails due to an error.
monthlyErrored Notifies you when a monthly report generation process fails due to an error.
adhocRunErrored Notifies you when an adhoc report generation process fails due to an error.

For information on how to subcribe to these notifications, refer to subscribe to notifications using the Notifications API.

Notifications API