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optimization protection


The test environment generates notification and subscription responses based on the transaction and details supplied in the request.

Before you begin

Test the client credentials you received from the implementations team to conduct a test transaction. For more information about getting your test client credentials, see Getting started.

Test subscriptions

The /subscriptions endpoint supports POST, PUT, GET, and DELETE methods. The following tables break down test case information by method:

HTTP methods: POST and PUT
Endpoints: /subscriptions

  • POST — /subscriptions
  • PUT — /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}
Subscription test cases for POST and PUT methods
Test case
Test data responseStatus responseCode
Successful subscription Valid notification type and callback URL SUCCESS ACCEPTED
Authentication failure Set incorrect authorization credentials ERROR UNAUTHORIZED
Merchant not authorized to access the resource Set field merchantId blank ERROR VALIDATION_ERROR
Invalid field length Set field requestId: 7611d1bf-325c-4795-a828-ac21f9bea5deefgghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhff1232derffgggeeewededgegghhhedr234466777777777777 ERROR VALIDATION_ERROR
Required field is missing Set field requestId blank ERROR VALIDATION_ERROR
Required field has invalid value Set field requestId 7611d1bf-325c-4795-a828!!!-ac21f9bea5d ERROR VALIDATION_ERROR
Notification empty error Set field {"notifications": { }, } ERROR VALIDATION_ERROR
Invalid notification type Set field { "notifications": { abc},} ERROR VALIDATION_ERROR
Invalid callback URL Set field { "callbackURL": "//helix-merchant-notification"} ERROR VALIDATION_ERROR
Missing callback URL Set field { "notifications": { "disputeNotification": [ "All" ] } } ERROR VALIDATION_ERROR
Callback URL already exists Existing callback URL ERROR VALIDATION_ERROR
Subscription not found Blank or non-existent subscription ID ERROR VALIDATION_ERROR
Invalid subscription ID Set field subscriptionId: de772f09-ef2d-45a2-b0f4-2dd3658dfc64 ERROR VALIDATION_ERROR

HTTP method:
Endpoints: /subscriptions

  • Get by merchant ID —  /subscriptions
  • Get by subscription ID — /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}
Subscription test cases for GET method
Test case Test data responseStatus responseCode
Successful get subscription by merchant ID Valid merchant ID SUCCESS ACCEPTED
Successful get by subscription ID Valid merchant ID and subscription ID SUCCESS ACCEPTED
Authorization failure Set incorrect authorization credentials ERROR UNAUTHORIZED
Merchant not authorized to access the resource Set field merchantId blank ERROR VALIDATION_ERROR
Invalid field length Set field requestId: 7611d1bf-325c-4795-a828-ac21f9bea5deefgghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhff1232derffgggeeewededgegghhhedr234466777777777777 ERROR VALIDATION_ERROR
Required field is missing Set field requestId blank ERROR VALIDATION_ERROR
Required field has invalid value Set field requestId: 7611d1bf-325c-4795-a828!!!-ac21f9bea5dc ERROR VALIDATION_ERROR
Subscription not found Blank or non-existent subscriptionId ERROR VALIDATION_ERROR
Invalid subscription ID Set field subscriptionId: de772f09-ef2d-45a2-b0f4-2dd3658dfc64 ERROR VALIDATION_ERROR

Endpoints: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}

Subscription test cases for DELETE method
Test case Test data responseStatus responseCode
Successful subscription deletion Valid merchant ID and subscription ID SUCCESS ACCEPTED
Authorization failure Set incorrect authorization credentials ERROR UNAUTHORIZED
Merchant not authorized to access the resource Set field merchant ID blank ERROR VALIDATION_ERROR
Invalid field length Set field requestId: 7611d1bf-325c-4795-a828-ac21f9bea5deefgghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhff1232derffgggeeewededgegghhhedr234466777777777777 ERROR VALIDATION_ERROR
Required field is missing Set field requestId blank ERROR VALIDATION_ERROR
Required field has invalid value Set field requestId: 7611d1bf-325c-4795-a828!!!-ac21f9bea5dc ERROR VALIDATION_ERROR
Subscription not found Blank or non-existent subscriptionId ERROR VALIDATION_ERROR
Invalid subscription ID Set field subscriptionId: de772f09-ef2d-45a2-b0f4-2dd3658dfc64 ERROR VALIDATION_ERROR

Notification test cases

The /notifications and /notificationTypes endpoints support the GET method. The following tables break down test case information by endpoint:  

HTTP method: GET
Endpoints: /notifications/{notificationId}

Notification test cases for GET method
Test case Test data responseStatus responseCode
Successful get notifications by notification ID Valid merchant ID and notification ID SUCCESS ACCEPTED
Authorization failure Set incorrect authorization credentials ERROR UNAUTHORIZED
Merchant not authorized to access the resource Set field merchantId blank ERROR VALIDATION_ERROR
Invalid field length Set field requestId: 7611d1bf-325c-4795-a828-ac21f9bea5deefgghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhff1232derffgggeeewededgegghhhedr234466777777777777 ERROR VALIDATION_ERROR
Required field is missing Set field requestId blank ERROR VALIDATION_ERROR
Required field has invalid value Set field requestId: 7611d1bf-325c-4795-a828!!!-ac21f9bea5dc ERROR VALIDATION_ERROR
Notification not found Blank or non-existent notificationId ERROR VALIDATION_ERROR
Invalid notification ID Set field notificationId: de772f09-ef2d-45a2-b0f4-2dd3658dfc64 ERROR VALIDATION_ERROR

HTTP method: GET
Endpoints: /notificationTypes

Notification type test cases for GET method
Test case Test data responseStatus responseCode
Successfully retrieve all event types and sub-types Valid authorization credentials SUCCESS ACCEPTED
Authentication failure Set incorrect authorization credentials ERROR UNAUTHORIZED