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Make a manual payment

Manual payments allows you to send a payment request to your consumer when an automatic billing cycle fails or is under the retry process.

You can perform a manual payment by sending a POST request to the /payments endpoint along with the following required fields:

Required fields for manual payments
Field name Description
recurringProgramId A system generated identifier that connects a consumer record to products/services offered by merchant. It describes what the customer has signed up for and how often they're charged for it.
billingCycleStartDate Identifies the year, month, and day when the first demand for payment (bill) is generated for the associated schedule.
Amount Monetary value that the consumer will be billed related to the current billing cycle.
currencyCode Represents a unique identifier for currencies, as assigned by the ISO 4217 specification. Alternatively, a currency code may also be a custom firm assigned value created where an ISO code does not exist.
  • A manual payment can only be performed on billing cycles with Failed, In Retry, Retry Exhausted, Rolled OverExhausted status. A manual payment can also be performed if the last cycle was rolled over before the program was cancelled.
  • The manual payment amount must be greater or equal to the billing cycle amount that fails. In case the amount manually collected is greater than the original amount of the billing cycle,  you must provide a note to explain the higher amount charged.

HTTP method: POST

Endpoint: /payments

Scenario: Sending a manual payments request when the billing cycle fails for the same amount.

    "recurringProgramId": "rcocyHamXr",
    "billingCycleStartDate": "2024-04-28T00:00:00.000Z",
    "currencyCode": "USD",
    "amount": 55000,
    "paymentMethodType": {
        "card": {
            "accountNumber": "4470051311111111118",
            "cardExpirationMonthYearNumber": "02/2027",
            "firstName": "John",
            "lastName": "Babbit"
    "paymentNotes": "Additional late fee",
    "savePaymentMethod": false


    "recurringProgramId": "rcocyHamXr",
    "merchantId": "998152096533",
    "requestId": "265cc804-7994-423f-be9e-6e5d19fbbd60",
    "consumerProfileId": "JPMCW-RRPUZB6PFUQNX4LW",
    "paymentMethodId": "5500138a-c020-4d78-9d13-a57450328a6c",
    "billingCycleStartDate": "2024-04-28",
    "billingCycleEndDate": "2024-05-27",
    "billingScheduleAmount": 53000,
    "pastDueAmount": 0,
    "creditAmount": 0,
    "refundAmount": 0,
    "remainingRefundableAmount": "55000",
    "paymentDetail": {
        "transactionId": "3ac59569-d495-4340-a8d0-87f8caddaa7c",
        "transactionDate": "2024-07-01T12:28:59.199Z",
        "amount": "55000",
        "currencyCode": "USD",
        "responseStatus": "SUCCESS"
    "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "responseCode": "ACCEPTED",
    "responseMessage": "Request successfully completed",
    "collectionMethod": "MANUAL",
    "paymentNotes": "Additional late fee",
    "additionalPaymentAmount": 2000