Level 2 and Level 3 data
You can send level 2 and level 3 data to qualify for the lower interchange fees when your consumer uses a commercial, corporate, purchasing, or government card. The more data you provide, the higher the chance of qualifying for lower interchange fees.
In order to qualify for lower interchange fees, you must send the following fields in the request of the /checkout/intent
Field name | Description | Data type |
purchaseOrderNumber |
The purchase order number provided by the consumer. Uniquely identifies a commercial document issued by a buyer to a seller indicating types, quantities, and agreed prices for the products or services. | String (17 characters) |
cart.taxAmount |
Monetary value of the tax amount assessed to the payment. | Integer |
cart.totalFeeAmount |
The total amount of a charge to be paid prior to or at origination, regardless of who is paying. This is the aggregate sum of all transactional charges. | Integer |
cart.totalShippingAmount |
Specifies the monetary value to be paid for the postage and related transportation to get a package from the shipping carrier to the consumer for all items purchased. | Integer |
cart.shippingAddress.postalCode |
The postal code of the shipping address. | String |
cart.shippingAddress.country |
The country code of the shipping address based on Alpha 3 ISO standards. | String |
cart.transactionDiscountAmount |
Monetary value of the total discount amount applied to the payment. | Integer |
cart.taxes |
Object for list of all the taxes that applies to the transaction. | Object |
cart.lineItems |
Object for the list of line items. | Object |
cart.lineItems.id |
Product code assigned by merchant of the item purchased | String |
cart.lineItems.quantity |
The quantity of the product purchased. | Number (Double) |
cart.lineItems.name |
Product name assigned by merchant of the item purchased. | String |
cart.lineItems.unitPrice |
Specifies the monetary value of the per item cost of a good or service | Integer |
cart.lineItems.description |
Description of the item purchased | String |
cart.lineItems.imageURL |
Product image link assigned by merchant of the item purchased. | String |
cart.lineItems.taxInclusiveLineItemTotalAmount |
Specifies the monetary value (inclusive of tax) for the price of the product or service multiplied by the quantity of the items purchased recorded in the transaction addendum data. | Integer |
cart.lineItems.transactionDiscountAmount |
Monetary value of total discount amount applied to the payment. | Integer |
cart.lineItems.discounts |
Object for the list of discounts. Types of discounts are:
Object |
cart.lineItems.totalFeeAmount |
The total amount of a charge, to be paid prior to, or at origination, regardless of who is paying. | Integer |
cart.lineItems.transactionCharges |
List of transactional charges:
Object |
cart.lineItems.product |
Object for merchant product information. | Object |
cart.lineItems.totalShippingAmount |
Specifies the monetary value to be paid for the postage and related transportation to get a package from the shipping carrier to the consumer for all items purchased. | Integer |
cart.lineItems.shippingMethod |
Object for shipping method information. | Object |
cart.lineItems.totalTaxAmount |
The amount added to the transaction for taxes. | Integer |
cart.lineItems.taxes |
The object for list of all taxes that applies to the transaction. List of the tax rates:
Object |
The following is an example of how it would look when sending Level 2 and Level 3 data.
HTTP method: POST
Endpoint: /checkout/intent
Scenario: Sending Level 2 and Level 3 data to quality for lower interchange fees.
"currencyCode": "USD",
"merchantOrderNumber": "gNcnbpMWjFCTvQFWXnVG6Z",
"cart": {
"lineItems": [
"id": "0",
"quantity": 1,
"description": "this is px order item1",
"name": "Item1",
"unitPrice": 222,
"taxable": true,
"image_url": "null",
"taxes": [
"id": "12313123",
"taxTypeCode": "TAX_TYPE_VAT",
"taxTypeDescription": "Value-added tax",
"taxRate": 6,
"taxAmount": 456
"totalDiscountAmount": 10
"totalFeeAmount": 10,
"discounts": [
"discountTypeDescription": "Summer Sale",
"discountMode": "RATE_MODE_FLAT",
"transactionDiscountAmount": 100,
"promotionCode": "SUMMER11",
"discountTax": {
"id": "12313123",
"taxTypeCode": "TAX_TYPE_VAT",
"taxTypeDescription": "item discounts taxRate Value Added Tax",
"taxRate": 6,
"taxAmount": 46
"discountTypeDescription": "Winter Sale",
"discountMode": "RATE_MODE_FLAT",
"transactionDiscountAmount": 100,
"promotionCode": "Winter10"
"totalTransactionAmount": 100000,
"subTotalAmount": {
"currencyCode": "USD",
"amount": 1
"totalTax": {
"currencyCode": "USD",
"amount": 0
"shippingAddress": {
"recipientFullName": "Alan Turing",
"line1": "383 Madison Ave",
"line2": "Unit 004",
"city": "New York",
"state": "NY",
"country": "US",
"postalCode": "10017"
"checkoutOptions": {
"authorization": {
"authorizationType": "AUTH_METHOD_CART_AMOUNT"
"capture": {
"captureMethod": "CAPTURE_METHOD_NOW"
"consumerProfileOptions": {
"isSaveConsumerProfile": "true"
"checkoutSessionToken": "eyJraWQiOiJiZGMxMDM0YS01MTBhLTQxNjktYjlmMy0zNmZkOWRiOGExNGIiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.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.Uri52i0PvLTlyaxIyzoR4uE_zKYntatCf3uF8tkPuiEtKwhGWw_Wbk-lFdJS0I5QwvNHSICgFsvktKRiAaAU17HgzDIs9ItBTRheRtDICB1IXLYhchThUvhwyli6M_Lr02ZqZGkwIcuIl7hvKPjJjRWvWS5UDx5cpTS31dQ4-a-m-cosFYPmCMKlpnB5sPd4jVB5zJsnbJU8V1cH4zBpvSaZfTzR6-U8eWt_V4PEiL0JiV-GRyDjLgnjfsR_g9p2ayaBY_ym_rMkzWlJmfVDT5Sddt-pFM6xlSB2h_jlhAydyzlL7KpSXshBKj_8fkbg0TMepbsmwxHq4ZjPQ0vu7Q",
"redirectedUrl": ""