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Fraud prevention

Safetech fraud tools help you retain legitimate purchases while preventing fraudulent transactions by determining whether an accountholder is a fraud risk. Checkout comes bundled with Safetech fraud screening .

Checkout automatically triggers fraud screening for your transactions .

How it works

  • When you send a payment transaction via Checkout, Safetech fraud automatically starts to screen it.
  • Safetech fraud uses the device data captured from the consumer's browser, other transactional data, and payment history combined with machine learning for the screening .
  • If deemed high risk by the risk and fraud screening, your transaction is not sent to the issuer for processing. 
  • You will get the result of the fraud check in your order notifications. Fraud check result can have the following status:
Fraud check status details
Fraud check status Description
Approved (FRAUD_CHECK_STATUS_APPROVED) Notifies you that no fraud was detected with the transaction.
Declined (FRAUD_CHECK_STATUS_DECLINED) Notifies you that the transaction was declined due to it being fraudulent.
Unspecified (FRAUD_CHECK_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED) Notifies you that fraud check was not performed. This occurs when the consumer opts out of fraud check or the payment details the consumer provides is invalid.

Turning off device data for fraud screening

By default, Checkout will always collect the device data from the consumer's browser at the time of the transaction and use it for the purpose of fraud screening. However, there are special cases where it is recommended to not use device data since it may trigger false positives and lead to lowering your approval rate. 

If your business model involves such use cases, then it is recommended that you indicate your preference to exclude device data as part of fraud screening. You can do this by setting checkoutOptions.fraudCheckOptions.ignoreDeviceData = true.

The following is an example of how you can exclude device data while creating a checkout session by setting ignoreDeviceData = true.

Method: POST

Endpoint: /checkout

Scenario: Creating a checkout session with ignore device data enabled.

    "currencyCode": "USD",
    "merchantOrderNumber": "X1G5VZMxplIm1tRRcrC85o",
    "checkoutOptions": {
        "authorization": {
            "authorizationType": "AUTH_METHOD_CART_AMOUNT"
        "capture": {
            "captureMethod": "CAPTURE_METHOD_MANUAL"
        "fraudCheckOptions": {
            "ignoreDeviceData": true,
            "consumerCreateTimestamp": "2024-04-06T01:14:36.500Z"
    "cart": {
        "totalTransactionAmount": 1000


    "checkoutSessionToken": "eyJraWQiOiJlYmRhNTZhOS1hZjMxLTQ3YzItYjE4OS01MWFjNmFiNWEwYjQiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.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.YtcZK2o2_CAN7j3JjHhgyjZGxD_wcC7L0CI22mm_qfzH7HlBboMX7qahqOYauda5_P-4pPJuvoda46aqmEzUgTr2tScRwHo6lsD8_L-in5-7BD53LnxvsB_NS97zT6CjBSk4flsy-Cgw_PvvQMaTnl-E64nvmaBI7DK_1qzaqBNQxfZwot83Dk66m3I3E5M-8INBe-WyzVfr4ywyE03Db2IPN-_Vk2WWFoys46hNEuX2qIazki3-jFCnqD5DLejEtLJ2bpzrXK_O76_DOaF3i_pRvytyPmfs9C1tI5tsTAr4W6YFMlSaDaFvVg-sd9SqAbZddMRkSp2jrTR2J4d4HA",
    "redirectUrl": ""