Request to Pay error codes
Error code descriptions
Error reason codes offer suggestions to help you debug issues as a result of wrongly formatted requests that cause errors. See the following errors and reasons taxonomy for applicable payment errors that contain available reason codes.
Standard HTTP error codes
HTTP Code | Rule definition | Description |
400 | Bad Request | Mandatory fields missing |
401 | Unauthorized | Authentication request violates authorization rules |
403 | Forbidden | Invalid client profile |
404 | Resource Not Found | Resource Not Found |
404 | Resource Not Found | The informed Payment Link was not found |
405 | Method Not Allowed | Method Not Allowed |
503 | Service Unavailable | Service is currently unavailable |
4xx error codes
Error Code | Usage |
10001 | Mandatory field missing |
10002 | Minimum length violation |
10003 | Maximum length violation |
10100 | Minimum value violation |
10101 | Maximum value violation |
10102 | Range violation |
10103 | Bad format |
10104 | Bad value |
10105 | Unexpected field |
10199 | Other |
13000 | Uncategorized error |