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Error response codes

Error structure

  • title: REQUIRED - Short human-readable title for the error.
  • httpStatus: OPTIONAL - HTTP Status Code.
  • traceId: OPTIONAL - JPMC trace identifier.
  • requestId: OPTIONAL - The requestId of your original request.
  • context: OPTIONAL (array) - Provides additional context and detail on the validation errors.
    • code: OPTIONAL (string) - JPMC Short code that identifies the error - publicly cataloged and documented.
    • message: REQUIRED (string) - Human-readable textual description of the error.
    • location: OPTIONAL (string) - One 'body', 'query', or 'path'.
    • field: OPTIONAL (string) - The name of the property or parameter in error. Where location is 'body' this SHOULD identify the property using a JSONPath representation.

Embedded Finance Error Code Catalog

The following table catalogs the fundamental codes emitted during API request validation

Error codes
code message
10001 Mandatory field missing or invalid
10002 Minimum length violation
10003 Maximum length violation
10100 Minimum value violation
10101 Maximum value violation
10102 Range violation
10103 Bad format
10104 Bad value
10105 Unexpected field
10106 Client sent a duplicate idempotency key but with different payload
10107 Two concurrent requests with same idempotency key and same payload received
10199 Uncategorized error
11000 Generic Clearing Error
11001 Account number is invalid or missing
11004 Account number specified has been closed on the bank of account's books
11005 Debtor account number closed
11006 Blocked Account
11007 Creditor account number closed
11011 Beneficiary does not hold USD account
11017 Transaction Forbidden
11018 Bank Operation code specified in the message is not valid for receiver
11019 Transaction type not supported/authorized on this account
11020 Agent country code is missing or invalid
11021 Debtor agent country code is missing or invalid
11022 Creditor agent country code is missing or invalid
11023 Debtor account cannot be debited for a generic reason
11024 Invalid Access Rights
11025 Original payment never received
11026 Agent of message is suspended from the Real Time Payment system
11027 Creditor Agent of message is suspended from the Real Time Payment system
11028 Payment orders made by transferring funds from one account to another at the same financial institution (bank or payment institution) are not allowed
11029 Returned payments derived from previously returned transactions are not allowed
11030 Agent in the payment workflow is incorrect
11031 Identification of end customer is not consistent with associated account number
11033 Party who initiated the message is not recognised by the end customer
11034 End customer specified is not known at associated Sort/National Bank Code or does no longer exist in the books
11035 Mandate changes are not allowed
11037 Data signature for the format is not available or invalid
11039 The signer certificate is not valid (revoked or not active)
11042 Signer is not allowed to sign this operation type
11043 Signer is not allowed to sign for this account
11059 Waiting time expired due to incomplete order
11063 No Mandate
11064 Mandate related information data required by the scheme is missing
11066 Return of funds requested by end customer
11067 End customer is deceased
11069 No response from Beneficiary
11079 Payment is not justified
11094 JPM Debtor Party information is not FATF Compliant
11095 JPM Debtor Party information is not FATF Compliant
11096 JPM Debtor Party information is not FATF Compliant
11097 Lost/stolen card
11098 Invalid card number
11099 No such issuer
11100 Expired Card
11101 No credit account
11102 Lost card, pick up card (fraud account)
11103 Stolen card, pick up (fraud account)
11104 Closed account
11105 No checking account
11106 No savings account
11107 Tran Not Allowed For Cardholder
11108 Restricted Card (card invalid in region or country)
11109 Account blocked
11122 PaymentTransferredAndNotTracked
11125 Credit Pending Funds
11129 Return Upon Unable to Apply
11139 JPM Debtor Party information is not FATF Compliant
11312 Charge bearer code for transaction type is invalid
11505 Specified message amount is an non processable currency outside of existing agreement
11506 Amount of funds available to cover specified message amount is insufficient
11507 Duplication
11510 Amount received is not the amount agreed or expected
11514 Transaction amount exceeds limits set by clearing system
11521 Number of transactions at the Payment Information level is invalid
11528 Debtor's address is missing/not correct
11530 Country code is missing or Invalid
11531 Debtor country code is missing or invalid
11532 Creditor country code is missing or invalid
11533 Country code of residence is missing or Invalid
11534 Country code of debtor's residence is missing or Invalid
11535 Country code of creditor's residence is missing or Invalid
11544 Phone number or email address, or any other proxy, used as the account proxy is unknown or invalid
11550 Value in Creditor Identifier is incorrect
11563 Creditor bank is not registered under this BIC in the CSM
11565 Cancellation requested by the Debtor
11567 Debtor bank is not registered under this BIC in the CSM
11569 An authorized user has cancelled the order
11571 The order was rejected by the bank side
11575 The decryption of the file was not successful
11582 Message Identification is not unique
11584 Transaction is not unique
11587 Payment is a duplicate of another payment
11588 Correspondent bank not possible
11590 Settlement of the transaction has failed
11594 File Format incomplete or invalid
11595 Syntax error reason is provided as narrative information in the additional reason information
11596 Payment Type Information is missing or invalid
11603 File or transaction cannot be processed due to technical issues
11604 Clearing request rejected due it being subject to an abort operation
11605 Original payment is not eligible to be returned given its current status
11607 Return following a cancellation request
11608 Returned as a result of fraud
11609 Cancellation requested following a transaction that was originated fraudulently
11616 Bank identifier code specified in the message has an incorrect format
11619 Creditor bank identifier is invalid or missing
11624 Debtor ClearingSystemMember identifier is invalid or missing
11625 Creditor ClearingSystemMember identifier is invalid or missing
11626 Intermediary Agent is invalid or missing
11630 Transaction reference is not unique within the message
11634 Regulatory Reason
11635 Regulatory or Central Bank Reporting information missing, incomplete or invalid
11640 Character set supplied not valid for the country and payment type
11645 The transmission of the file was not successful it had to be aborted (for technical reasons)
11649 Token is invalid
11650 Token used for the sender does not exist
11651 Token used for the receiver does not exist
11653 Token found with counterparty mismatch
11654 Single Use Token already used
11655 Token found with suspended status
11656 Token found with value limit rule violation
11657 Associated message, payment information block, or transaction was received after agreed processing cut-off time
11658 Refer to card issuer
11659 Invalid merchant
11660 Rejected
11661 Error
11662 Pick up card, special condition (fraud account)
11663 Invalid transaction
11664 Invalid amount
11665 Re-enter transaction
11666 Additional customer authentication required
11667 Format error, invalid value in message
11668 Not sufficient funds
11669 Invalid Expiry Date
11670 PIN incorrect or missing
11671 Transaction not permitted to terminal
11672 Suspected fraud
11673 Exceeds approval amount limit
11674 Security violation
11675 Transaction does not fulfill AML requirement
11676 Exceeds withdrawal frequency limits
11677 Verification Data Failed
11678 PIN data required
11679 Different value than that used for PIN-entry tries exceeded
11680 Allowable number of PIN-entry exceeded
11681 Reversed (by switch)
11682 No financial impact
11683 Cryptographic error found in PIN
11684 Negative online CAM, dCVV, iCVV, CVV, CAVV, dCVV2, TAVV, or DTW results
11685 No reason to decline
11686 Cannot verify PIN
11687 Illegal transaction cannot be completed
11688 Duplicate transmission
11689 Force STIP
11690 Cash request exceeds issuer or approved limit
11691 Decline for CVV2 Failure
11692 Stop this payment
11693 Stop all future payments
11694 Stop all merchants
11695 JPM Debtor Party information is not FATF Compliant
11696 Invalid IBAN format
11697 Insufficient liquidity for processing the transaction on the System
11698 Invalid AccptTime, Rejected by the CSM to Originator Bank upon exceeding tolerance period for the Acceptance Date&Time
11701 Invalid original transaction status, action not required
11702 Original Amount mismatch
11703 The Debtor Agent is not allowed to send SCT Inst transactions (pacs.008) and consequently to send Payment Status Request (pacs.028) and Recalls (camt.056). It is also not allowed to receive NRR and PRR
11704 The Creditor Agent is not allowed to receive SCT Inst transactions (pacs.008) and consequently to receive Payment Status request (pacs.028) and Recalls (camt.056). It is also not allowed to send NRR and PRR
11705 Field not Permitted in SCT Inst Service
11706 Sender and/or Receiver Participants not configured for CUG/AOS usage
11707 Inconsistent Instructing Agent
11709 Final Response - Repeat attempt to prior non-response
11710 Legal Decision
11714 Due to a specific service offered by the clearing system
11715 Initial SCT Inst Transaction never received
12001 Clearing process aborted due to timeout
12002 Clearing process aborted due to a fatal error
12003 Settlement aborted due to timeout
12004 Settlement process aborted due to a fatal error
12005 Transaction stopped due to timeout at the Creditor Agent
12006 Transaction stopped due to timeout at the Instructed Agent
12008 Token expired
12501 Agent of message is not online
12502 Creditor Agent is not online
12503 Transaction stopped due to error at the Creditor Agent
12504 Transaction stopped due to error at the Instructed Agent
12506 Interbank settlement system not available
12507 Issuer unavailable
12508 System malfunction
12509 Cash Service Not Available
12510 Unable to go online, offline detected
12511 Technical Problem
13001 Reason is provided as narrative information in the additional reason information
13002 Category Purpose code is missing or invalid
13003 Reason has not been specified by end customer
13004 Reason has not been specified by agent
13005 Unknown BIC in routing table
13006 Structured creditor reference invalid or missing
13007 Creditor details incorrect
13008 Unsupported XML field
13009 Invalid data format
13010 Invalid use of a Technical BIC

(Work in progress / more error codes to be added.)

Sync API Example

"title" : "Invalid Data",
"httpStatus" : 400,
"traceId" : "xxxxx-yyyyyy-zzzzzz",
"context" : [
"code": "10001",
"message": "Property 'amount' must be present",
"field": "amount",
"location": "BODY"
"code": "10100",
"message": "'pagesize' must be greater than 10",
"field": "pageSize",
"location": "QUERY"
"code": "10102",
"message": "'toDate must be later than 'fromDate'",
"location": "QUERY"
"code": "10104",
"message": "XZY is not a valid currency code",
"location": "BODY",
"field": "$.amount.currencyCode"

GCA errors

You may occassionally get error messages from our API gateway. They have a slightly different structure to other synchronous error responses. 

Gateway error codes

GCA Code

Http Status




Unauthorized Access



Unauthorized Access



System is Unavailable (timeout issue or downstream system is unavailable)

Error payload examples

Take a look at these error message examples to better understand the structure and form of error messages. 

Synchronous API response example

Synchronous API error example
HTTP/1.1 400
Content-Type: application/json
"title" : "Invalid Data",
"httpStatus" : 400,
"traceId" : "xxxxx-yyyyyy-zzzzzz",
"context" : [
    "code": "10001"
    "message": "Property 'amount' must be present",
    "field": "amount",
    "location": "body"
    "code": "10100"
    "message": "'pagesize' must be greater than 10",
    "field": "pageSize",
    "location": "query"
    "code": "10102"
    "message": "'toDate must be later than 'fromDate'",
    "location": "query"
    "code": "10104",
    "message": "XZY is not a valid currency code",
    "location": "body",
    "field": "$.amount.currencyCode"

Synchronous API response with GCA error structure

Example of gateway error message structure

    "errors": [


            "errorCode": "GCA-099",

            "errorMsg": "System is Unavailable"




Webhook (asycnhronous) error example

Content-Type: application/json
  "resourceType": "TRANSACTIONS",
  "resourceId": "123456789",
  "resource": {
    "creditorAccount": "9414-3568-5326967",
    "debtorAccount": "9fur8fmgndkd",
    "amount": 1.245,
    "transactionReferenceId": "inv-pay-123"
  "errors": {
    "title" : "Invalid Data",
    "httpStatus" : 400,
    "traceId" : "xxxxx-yyyyyy-zzzzzz",
    "context" : [
      "code": "10001"
      "message": "Property 'amount' must be present",
      "field": "amount",
      "location", "body"
      "code": "10100"
      "message": "'pagesize' must be greater than 10",
      "field": "pageSize",
      "location", "query"
      "code": "10102"
      "message": "'toDate must be later than 'fromDate'",
      "location": "query"
      "code": "10104",
      "message": "XZY is not a valid currency code",
      "location": "body",
      "field": "$.amount.currencyCode"