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Error response codes

Error structure

Errors in Embedded Payments have:

  • title: REQUIRED - Short human-readable title for the error.
  • httpStatus: OPTIONAL - HTTP Status Code
  • traceId: OPTIONAL - J.P. Morgan traced identifier.
  • requestId: OPTIONAL - The requestId of your original request.
  • context: OPTIONAL (array) - Provides additional context and detail on the validation errors.
    • code: OPTIONAL (string) - JPMC Short code that identifies the error - publicly cataloged and documented.
    • message: REQUIRED (string) - Humanly readable textual description of the error.
    • location: OPTIONAL (string) - either 'body', 'query', or 'path'
    • field: OPTIONAL (string) - The location of the property or parameter in error. Where location is 'body' this SHOULD identify the property using a JSONPath representation.

Embedded Payments error code catalog

The following table catalogs the fundamental codes emitted during API request validation:

Embedded Payments error titles and codes
Code Title Message External code 
10001 Invalid Data Error occurred on %FIELD_NAME_1%  
10001 Invalid Data Currency of the payment is incorrect.  
10001 Invalid Data Recipient identifier is invalid or missing.  
10002 Invalid Data Minimum length violation  
10003 Invalid Data Maximum length violation  
10100 Invalid Data Minimum value violation  
10101 Invalid Data Maximum value violation  
10102 Invalid Data Range violation  
10103 Invalid Data Bad format  
10104 Invalid Data Bad value  
10105 Invalid Data Unexpected field  
10210 Invalid Data Creditor account currency is invalid or missing AC11
10214 Invalid Data Bank Operation code specified in the message is not valid for receiver AG02
10217 Invalid Data Specified transaction amount is less than agreed minimum AM06
10231 Invalid Data Value in Requested Execution Date or Requested Collection Date is too far in the past CH04
10233 Invalid Data Mandatory element is missing CH21
10234 Invalid Data Invalid date (eg, wrong or missing settlement date) DT01
10235 Invalid Data Future date not supported DT04
11007 Clearing Failure Account number specified has been closed on the bank books AC04
11008 Clearing Failure Debtor account number closed AC05
11009 Clearing Failure Account specified is blocked, prohibiting posting of transactions against it AC06
11010 Clearing Failure Creditor account number closed AC07
11011 Clearing Failure Transaction forbidden on this type of account (formerly No Agreement) AG01
11012 Clearing Failure Transaction type not supported or authorized on this account AG03
11013 Clearing Failure Original payment never received AG09
11016 Clearing Failure Amount of funds available to cover specified message amount is insufficient AM04
11018 Clearing Failure Transaction amount exceeds limits agreed between bank and client AM14
11021 Clearing Failure Mandate changes are not allowed CH09
11023 Clearing Failure Sanctions Reject EC46
11024 Clearing Failure Returned as a result of fraud FR01
11101 Clearing Failure Clearing process aborted due to a fatal error AB02
11102 Clearing Failure Transaction stopped due to error at the Creditor Agent AB09
11103 Clearing Failure Clearing process aborted due to error at the Intermediary PSP or CSM AB10
11104 Clearing Failure Debtor account cannot be debited for a generic reason AG07
11105 Clearing Failure Pre-Authorization Validation Failed AG12
11107 Clearing Failure Specified message amount is an non processable currency outside of existing agreement AM03
11108 Clearing Failure Duplication AM05
11109 Clearing Failure Amount received is not the amount agreed or expected AM09
11110 Clearing Failure Number of transactions at the Payment Information level is invalid AM20
11111 Clearing Failure End customer specified is not known at Sort or National Bank Code or does no longer exist in books BE06
11112 Clearing Failure Value in Creditor Identifier is incorrect CH11
11113 Clearing Failure Creditor bank is not registered under this BIC in the CSM CNOR
11114 Clearing Failure Cancellation requested by the Debtor CUST
11115 Clearing Failure Debtor bank is not registered under this BIC in the CSM DNOR
11116 Clearing Failure Order Cancelled DS02
11117 Clearing Failure Order Rejected DS04
11118 Clearing Failure The decryption of the file was not successful DS09
11119 Clearing Failure Data signature for the format is not available or invalid DS0B
11120 Clearing Failure Signature Certificate Not Valid DS0D
11123 Clearing Failure Payment is a duplicate of another payment DUPL
11125 Clearing Failure Settlement of the transaction has failed ED05
11126 Clearing Failure File Format incomplete or invalid FF01
11127 Clearing Failure File or transaction cannot be processed due to technical issues at the bank side FF10
11128 Clearing Failure Clearing request rejected due it being subject to an abort operation FF11
11129 Clearing Failure Following Cancellation Request FOCR
11131 Clearing Failure Legal Decision LEGL
11132 Clearing Failure No Mandate MD01
11133 Clearing Failure Mandate related information data required by the scheme is missing MD02
11134 Clearing Failure Return of funds requested by end customer MD06
11135 Clearing Failure End customer is deceased MD07
11138 Clearing Failure No response from Beneficiary NOAS
11140 Clearing Failure Duplicate Proxy in Bank PR05
11141 Clearing Failure Duplicate Proxy in another Bank PR06
11142 Clearing Failure Proxy already registered/ transferred PR07
11143 Clearing Failure Proxy already deregistered PR08
11144 Clearing Failure Proxy already suspended PR09
11145 Clearing Failure Proxy Other rejection reason PR11
11149 Clearing Failure Transaction reference is not unique within the message RF01
11150 Clearing Failure Regulatory Reason RR04
11151 Clearing Failure Due to a specific service offered by the clearing system SL03
11152 Clearing Failure The transmission of the file was not successful – it had to be aborted (for technical reasons) TA01
11153 Clearing Failure Technical Problem TECH
11154 Clearing Failure Insufficient liquidity for processing the transaction on the System. XT04
11155 Clearing Failure Invalid Accept Time, Rejected by the CSM to Originator Bank upon exceeding tolerance period for the Acceptance Date&Time XT06
11158 Clearing Failure Invalid original transaction status, action not required XT75
11160 Clearing Failure Sender and/or Receiver Participants not configured for CUG/AOS usage XT83
11201 Clearing Failure Clearing process aborted due to timeout AB01
11202 Clearing Failure Settlement aborted due to timeout AB03
11203 Clearing Failure Clearing process aborted due to timeout at the Beneficiary PSP AB05
11205 Clearing Failure Transaction stopped due to timeout at the Instructed Agent AB06
11206 Clearing Failure Waiting Time Expired DS24
11207 Clearing Failure Proxy request timeout PR10
11301 Clearing Failure Agent of message is not online AB07
11302 Clearing Failure Creditor Agent is not online AB08
11303 Clearing Failure Interbank settlement system not available ED06
11401 Clearing Failure Generic clearing error NARR